SpiritPro’s Bulk Planning system is designed to take the stress out of the process of planning bulk spirit supply. It provides an easy alternative to the long-winded, inconsistent and often unreliable methods frequently used by many distilleries today.
Designed for detailed long term planning. The chances are that currently your bulk spirit supply is being planned on paper, in one or more unsupported spreadsheets, or in a bespoke system with limited interfacing capabilities and uncertainty of long-term support. SpiritPro’s Bulk Planning system has a number of key features that are designed to model the planning process in the level of detail and with the long-term timescales that you need to be confident of your ability to supply not just this year, but next year, the year after and for the years or decades ahead.
Model demand on physical, planned or proposed stocks. The system is built around a database of master data or static data, which defines the fundamental building blocks of the system: parts, customers, bonds, cask types, part ageing profiles, wood rental costs, bond evaporation profiles etc. On top of this, we can then model demand and supply going forward, using both actual physical stocks and planned or proposed stocks for the future. Stock is held in the system as either actual, physical lots or as planned, tentative lots. Both types of lot can be used to satisfy future demand, whether a requirement for consumption in production, a high level production plan, a confirmed sale or a forecast of a sale. Supply, on the other hand, is modelled as either production in-house or purchase from a third-party. Either way, the proposed date of supply, date of availability and cost of supply can be modelled.
Future projections allow for evaporation. Through the reservation of stock for production, sales or forecasts, possible shortages can be identified for next month, next year or next decade, using graphical charts and a variety of focused enquiries. Naturally, these projections of future availability take into account the losses that occur due to evaporation. Evaporation can be modelled at its simplest level as a flat rate per year, regardless of cask type and bond location. Alternatively, where required, a different percentage can be applied each year for a specific combination of bond and cask type.
Multi-level cask type storage cost models. The cost of storing casks can also be modelled at a generic level or a more detailed bond / cask type level. This cost, together with the cost impact of evaporation, allows the forecast future cost of an individual lot to be viewed on a month-by-month basis.
Using the charts and enquiries within the Bulk Planning system, it is easy to spot possible future supply issues and to keep on top of unsatisfied demand for which no or insufficient reservations exist.
The Part Enquiry provides a graphical view out into the future of available stock compared to demand and gives a clear and easy-to-assimilate picture of just how soon shortages will occur.
The Spirit Requirements by Spirit Group enquiry shows how much spirit within a defined Spirit Group needs to be distilled, married or finished in a particular year. Figures are based on forecast or planned production and take into account evaporation between distillation and use in production.
The Production Shortages enquiry can be used as a work-to-list, since it shows not only spirits where there will definitely be a shortage at the end of a future month, but also where a shortage might occur, depending on the timing of demand and supply within the month.
The Reservation Shortages enquiry highlights demand in the form of confirmed sales or forecast sales that have not been fully reserved from actual or proposed stock.
Using the Bulk Planning systems charts and enquiries, keeping in control of the bulk spirit supply plan has never been easier.